With the month of January upon us, up pops those New Year Resolutions.
"I will do dry January" (Which makes January even harder to cope with... Does Dry Gin count?!)
"I will do more sports"
"I will save more money"
The list is endless! In fact each year it comes around, my list becomes longer.... Maybe by the time I am 70 I will have made so many resolutions, maybe there will be one I can stick too!
Im thinking this, while trying to reflect somewhat on the past year. I believe this is a good time to do so.
Make some bullet points, consider what went well, what worked, what did you enjoy and flip it, to also capture anything which didn't work for you. Did you waste hundreds of pounds on a marketing campaign, not really understanding what a good outcome would look like?
Whatever you jot down, keep them to remind you throughout the year, and if you fall in a rut, just give us a call!